Johannes Bartl is a postdoctoral fellow at the Bar-Ilan Institute for Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials (Department of Chemistry), Bar-Ilan University, Israel.

He completed his B.Sc. in Chemistry at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany, under the supervision of Prof. Heiz and obtained a M.Sc. double degree in (Physical) Chemistry and Physics (M2) at the TUM and Aix-Marseille Université, France, under the co-supervision of Prof. Becker, Prof. Stutzmann, and Prof. Heiz. He was awarded his Ph.D. in (Physical) Chemistry with highest distinction (summa cum laude) for his contribution in the field of hybrid catalysts for artificial photosynthesis at the Walter Schottky institute (TUM) and WACKER-Chair of Macromolecular Chemistry (TUM) under the co-supervision of Prof. Stutzmann and Prof. Rieger, whilst obtaining in-depth knowledge on semiconductors, nanomaterials, (ultra-)thin films, inorganic and organic materials’ synthesis and characterization, spectroscopy, microscopy, photo- and electrocatalysis, surface analysis, and UHV systems. His Ph.D. project was funded by two scholarships of the International Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSSE: 11.06 - PCC2).

After completion of his Ph.D., he joined the Multinary Material Systems for Energy and Sustainability group of Asst. Prof. Barad. His work is based on the fabrication and exploration of combinatorial hybrid materials by means of high-throughput in-situ characterization and machine learning. Strong focus is given on sustainable reaction engineering (CO 2 RR, HER, and OER) in the framework of energy conversion and storage. Initial investigations are dedicated toward high-entropy alloys as electrochemical catalysts for CO 2 reduction.

Interested students are encouraged to contact Johannes Bartl, Ph.D., ( and Hannah-Noa Barad, Ph.D., (

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